Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The First of Many

Now that I have started my blog as per the suggestion of my good friend Jacob, I feel I ought to at least clothe it with a primary blog stating what I hope to blog about and what is currently on my mind.  First off I will answer the random question given to me upon starting this blog - "Your tongue is now magnetic, what will you use for silverware? - Simple, I would avoid all unnecessary dinner parties for about a week while I eat nothing but extremely hot pizza (and other hot foods) to demagnetize my tongue considering magnets can lose their properties by being subjected to heat.  Once demagnetized I can resume my lovely dinner parties and silverware usage.  

Answering this question might reveal to anyone reading this that this is how i operate.  When faced with a trial I attempt to figure out the cause of the problem and solve that, rather than treating a symptom.  In this case I isolate my magnetized tongue as the problem and try to demagnetize is as to not have to face a life without silverware (or lesser quality non metallic utensils).

In my blog I hope to write about many things including but not limited to: my daily thoughts about my favourite sports teams progress throughout their seasons including the Toronto Blue Jays, New York Mets, Edmonton Oilers, London Knights, and FC Barcelona.  The latter of which recently won the Cup!!! Yeah!  Secondly, I might discuss historical, political or existential topics.  Or I may ask random questions and attempt to asnwer them.

This blog was started as a random idea by one of my good friends a while ago who said I ought to start a blog because of my vast and numerous status updates on Facebook.  Although this will still occur, I am no longer limited to about 300 characters. 

Finally,  I hope to end each of my blogs with a random factoid, quote, or word/definition of the day.

Today's fact will be: In 183 BC, Hannibal son of Hamilcar Barca committed suicide in hiding from the Roman Army.  He comitted suicide after being surronded by the Roman Army, who had orders to take Hannibal as a tribute to the Empire.  Hannibal brought the Roman Empire to its knees in the Second Punic War and nearly changed the entire course of human history.  The ironic thing here as one Punic author indicates is that the man who elluded Rome for 18 years after the Punic War, elluded them also in his death.

Morpheus Marty.